By: Kathy Hubbard
Mike Brown’s unmistakable voice reported local news for Blue Sky Broadcasting for thirty years. I would often run into him when I was covering for an absent Bee reporter. When I heard that he and Tami Feyen, director of Bonner General Community Hospice, had talked and that Mike had agreed to let the public hear his story, I couldn’t resist asking if it could fill today’s space. This is Mike Brown’s story:
“I have what is considered end-stage COPD and I was deteriorating. A friend of my wife’s thought it might be helpful to look into Hospice for assistance. They had used Bonner Community Hospice services in their home, and she said your support was hugely helpful to them.
“At first it sounded very depressing like I was giving up on my life entirely. But then I thought about it. That’s probably where I am. Every day is a struggle. I realized that my life is probably coming to an end sooner than later and once I thought about it, I realized that maybe we could use some extra assistance. My wife is an absolute angel. She’s still working part time. I realized maybe both my wife and I could use some additional support. We talked it over and decided we would give Hospice a try.
“It’s been an incredible experience since joining Hospice. I looked at it as an organization that would ease me towards the end of life, but it’s been the absolute opposite. They’ve given me the will to live. I had nothing to look forward to before, every day was a struggle but NOW I look forward to the next day.
“Hospice has been able to decrease my everyday struggles, providing medications and guidance that have helped me quite a bit. I really appreciate the services. I’ve been so surprised. I had no idea what you actually did. You have helped me find comfort and relief from my symptoms and that has freed my availability to do the things I like. I’m happier. I have an improved mood. I have increased energy. I’m excited to enjoy life and enjoy more of it.
“What I realize now is that my doctors have been great. They have helped me deal with my symptoms and focused on the short term, keeping me alive. But you and your team focus on living and on comfort. Finding comfort and relief has allowed me to focus on the things I enjoy.
“I’m learning new things. I get to stay on top of things I like, like politics, spending time with family and friends. I’m reading again. I’m enjoying life. I’m spending time with my two dogs, and I have joy. Did I tell you my wife is an absolute angel? The support you have given her means a lot to her, and it does to me. I am so thankful she has your support.”
When asked what advice he would give others, Brown replied, “I’d tell them it’s a good idea to contact Hospice. I could’ve done it sooner, but you know, it was a scary thought. I had to realize and come to terms with the fact that I am probably dying sooner than later. But I have to tell you, in reality, I feel like my life has been extended. It’s easier to live now. The additional moral support that you have provided me, and my wife has been invaluable. You know, it’s been just her and me against the world in this and now we have you and your support. It’s a privilege to work with you guys. Don’t get me wrong, we have family as well, and they are wonderful but they’re not right here. You guys are here, and we can call on you anytime we need you.
“Hospice took me by surprise. I had no idea of the financial benefit. People need to know what all you do. Hospice covers all of the medications, the services and supplies I need. We have good insurance, but there were still co-pays and out-of-pocket expenses. We don’t pay out-of-pocket for any of that anymore. That’s important to me. God willing, my wife will live a lot longer than I will, and I want her to be okay. You’ve made my life far better. I was in misery. You have focused on my living and my comfort.”
Bonner General Community Hospice can be reached at 208-265-1179. I can be reached at
Kathy Hubbard is a member of the Bonner General Health Foundation Advisory Council. She can be reached at This article was written for publication in the Bonner County Daily Bee on February 12, 2025.