National Radiologic Technology Week® is celebrated annually to recognize the vital work of Radiologic Technologists across the nation. The celebration takes place each year during the week that includes Nov. 8 to commemorate the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on Nov. 8, 1895.
The week-long celebration calls attention to the important role medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals play in patient care and health care safety.

Bonner General Health has a wide selection of diagnostic imaging services available, including 3-D Mammography, Bone Mineral Density (DEXA), MRI, CT, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound, and Echocardiography. All of our digital imaging services are provided by nationally certified technologists.

Some Members of the Diagnostic Imaging Team
at Bonner General Health
Click Here for Inforamtion About Our Diagnostic Imaging Services