New Parental Consent Law Effective
July 1, 2024

Important Information for Parents and Patients about the New Parental Consent Law Idaho Code § 32-1015 (Senate Bill 1329)

As of July 1, 2024, Bonner General Health must obtain parental consent to treat unemancipated minors before medical services can be provided, with limited exceptions.

Parental Consent Required:

Parents must provide consent for any non-emergency health services for their minor children (under 18 years of age) including:

  • Routine check-ups (including sports physicals)
  • Diagnostics
  • Reproductive healthcare
  • Mental healthcare
  • Treatments
  • Preventative healthcare
  • Surgical services

Care will be delayed until parental consent is received with the exception of medical emergencies (defined below)

Who can give consent?

  • Biological or adoptive parent
  • Court – appointed guardian

Emergency Situations:

In medical emergencies posing a risk of death or imminent, irreparable physical injury, healthcare providers can administer necessary treatments without prior parental consent. Bonner General Staff will make efforts to contact parents as soon as possible.

Parents need to know:

After July 1, 2024, a parent or legal guardian must accompany their minor child to appointments at any of Bonner General Health’s clinics or hospital inpatient and outpatient services to provide written consent or submit it beforehand.

Verbal Consent: Verbal consent is acceptable in urgent situations and will be documented in our child’s medical health record.

As we navigate these new regulations together, we encourage parents to stay informed and maintain open communication with our healthcare team to ensure all required consents are secured. For more information or assistance with consent forms, please contact your provider’s office.

Thank you for entrusting us with your minor child’s healthcare; it is a privilege we deeply appreciate.

For additional details on Idaho Code § 32-1015 (Senate Bill 1329), please visit the Idaho State Legislature website.