520 North Third Ave Sandpoint, ID 83864

 (208) 263-1441

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We invite you to click on the “Services & Clinics” tab on the top of this page to review our comprehensive list of services offered in our local hospital and healthcare system. We provide essential urgent, acute, and critical care as well as a host of other services to meet the needs of our growing and vibrant community. View all Providers »

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Active Medical Staff

Bonner General Health provides full service medical treatments so that every person can have the opportunity to receive qualitative medical help. Bonner General Health is accredited by DNV GL-Healthcare with a demonstrated expertise in patient safety and quality management.

Avy Kay
Kay Avy, N.P.
Jackson Bell EM headshot pic (1)
Jackson Bell, DO
Karina Bethje, NP
Karina Bethje, N.P.
BGH -4092
Nicole Burbank, M.D.
Specialty: Radiology
Laci Burk, FNP-BC
Craig Burns, M.D.
Amanda Caswell-Burt, D.D.S.
Specialty: Dentistry
Dr Cipriano Grey Background.pub
Douglas Cipriano, M.D.
Robert Clark, MD
Robert Clark, M.D.
Specialty: Hospitalist
Cotteen, Jonathan
Jonathan Cotteen, CRNA
Specialty: Anesthesia
Charles Crane, M.D.
Specialty: Hospitalist
Avy Kay
Kay Avy, N.P.
Jackson Bell EM headshot pic (1)
Jackson Bell, DO
Karina Bethje, NP
Karina Bethje, N.P.
BGH -4092
Nicole Burbank, M.D.
Specialty: Radiology
Laci Burk, FNP-BC
Craig Burns, M.D.
Amanda Caswell-Burt, D.D.S.
Specialty: Dentistry
Dr Cipriano Grey Background.pub
Douglas Cipriano, M.D.
Robert Clark, MD
Robert Clark, M.D.
Specialty: Hospitalist
Cotteen, Jonathan
Jonathan Cotteen, CRNA
Specialty: Anesthesia
Charles Crane, M.D.
Specialty: Hospitalist

We provide essential urgent, acute, and critical care as well as a host of other services
to meet the needs of our growing and vibrant community.

Impactful Careers

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in North Idaho

Where employment meets recreation.