Audrey is always a bright presence in the lab. I’m always so thrilled when I know she will be around. Her upbeat attitude, compassionate spirit, and good humor have left many of us in such good spirits and giggles more often than not. Beyond her helpful attitude to those she works with, her dedication to the lab overall is something that often goes unnoticed and unthanked. I’ve seen her work a pm shift, then clock back in for a day shift seven hours later and work a full day. Because Audrey is always making sure the lab runs smoothly, it inspires the rest of us to do our best in our jobs to help lessen the stress she has to undertake.
In addition to what she does behind the scenes, the attentiveness and care I have watched her exhibit with patients are always heartwarming. On more than one occasion, I have seen her walk with a patient to somewhere in the hospital despite being incredibly busy or in the middle of another task. She always leaves the patients with a sense of calm and reassurance. Additionally, her calm around children in the lab has been a lifesaver on multiple occasions, whether in an outpatient setting or in the hospital.
Despite everything Audrey does at work, she still has to find the time to plan her wedding and worry about whatever else life throws her way. Her perseverance in her home and work life leaves me so in awe that she consistently gives all she does to those around her.
When she had surgery last year, she still checked in with us lab assistants regularly and came back as soon as she could, despite not being fully healed. She has put so much care, thought, and time into the lab, especially as we have hit rough patches in the last year, and I doubt the lab would have made it through without her. Between new managers, new hires, and her foot surgery in the middle of winter, she still showed up whenever we needed her. As someone who was one of those new hires, I am so grateful I had Audrey there to help smooth the way and answer my myriad of questions. She’s always ready to help; if she doesn’t know how something is done or how to answer something, she stays until it’s figured out.
The lab and hospital, overall, are so lucky to have Audrey, as she truly encompasses all the values the hospital promotes. Even more, she inspires me to be a better person every day in all aspects of what I do. Audrey puts her heart into every task she undertakes, and I hope she gets the recognition she deserves for everything she does for her coworkers and patients. We are so lucky to have Audrey.
~Bethany Treadway