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 (208) 263-1441

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Trisomy Awareness Month

By: Kathy Hubbard. “I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with almond shaped eyes,” a woman named Sarah wrote on Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s website. “The doctors and nurses didn’t notice, but I did. After days of waiting and watching, we were given a diagnosis that we were expecting but were silently praying would be negative: our daughter had Down syndrome.” Down syndrome is one type of trisomy and trisomy is a genetic condition where there is an extra copy of a chromosome. Our bodies have 23 pairs of chromosomes, half we inherited from our fathers and half from our mothers, making a total of 46.

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Clock Change Can Cause Circadian Rythm Problems

By: Kathy Hubbard. If you’ve been feeling a little grumpy, not sleeping well, and just not yourself this week, it could be because changing the clocks to Daylight Saving Time knocked your system off track for a few days. For some people it continues longer. You see, circadian rhythm disruption has affected their wake/sleep cycle.

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Organization Declares March Workplace Eye Wellness Month

By: Kathy Hubbard. With a goal to provide both employers and employees with important information to help keep eyes safe and healthy at work, Prevent Blindness each year declares March as Workplace Eye Wellness Month. They estimate that 20,000 workers sustain eye injuries each year, and the frightening statistic is that 90 percent of them could have been avoided with proper eye protection or precautions.

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Muscle Tension Dysphonia and Globus Sensation can be Helped with Speech Therapy

By: Kathy Hubbard. Muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) is a change in the sound or feel of your voice due to excessive muscle tension in and around the voice box, and globus sensation is when you feel like there’s something stuck in your throat. Muscle tension dysphonia often happens to singers, preachers and teachers. But it can happen to anyone. Johns Hopkins Medicine describes the voice as becoming rough, hoarse, gravelly, raspy, weak, breathy, airy or only a whisper.

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When Being a Picky Eater is Actually Having an Eating Disorder

By: Kathy Hubbard. Children often go through phases of picky eating. We’ve all been there either with our own children, a friend, or ourselves. But a person whose diet is so limited it leads to medical, nutritional, and/or psychosocial problems, might be suffering from Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

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“I’m excited to enjoy life!” Mike Brown’s Hospice Testimonial

By: Kathy Hubbard. Mike Brown’s unmistakable voice reported local news for Blue Sky Broadcasting for thirty years. I would often run into him when I was covering for an absent Bee reporter. When I heard that he and Tami Feyen, director of Bonner General Community Hospice, had talked and that Mike had agreed to let the public hear his story, I couldn’t resist asking if it could fill today’s space. This is Mike Brown’s story:

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January is Thyroid Awareness Month

By: Kathy Hubbard. Unless you have one that isn’t functioning properly, you probably haven’t given any thought to your thyroid gland today. Well, that’s about to change because it’s Thyroid Awareness Month. The thyroid gland is butterfly-shaped and found at the front of your neck, right under your voice box. It weighs between 20 and 60 grams. It is a vital hormone producing gland and plays a major role in metabolism, growth and development of your body.

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‘Tis the Season for Seasonal Depression

By: Kathy Hubbard. Let’s be clear, there’s a big difference between having the winter blues and seasonal depression. People often say that they suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), but now that I’m reading about the signs and symptoms of this mental health disorder as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR), I wonder if it’s true. 

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Is it a cold, the flu, COVID-19, or RSV?

By: Kathy Hubbard. With the holidays in the rear-view mirror, now comes the season for coughing, sneezing, aching and wheezing. Yes folks, it’s Virus Season here in Bonner County. And, I don’t know about you, but just about everyone I know is currently suffering from a virus of some sort. In the past I would warn you about flu season and encourage you to get a flu shot. Now, besides that inoculation, there are more we should be thinking about getting. If you haven’t had a COVID booster, it’s time. If you haven’t had an RSV shot, it may be time for that one, too.

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Dry January isn’t a Weather Forecast

By: Kathy Hubbard. Dry January has nothing to do with expected precipitation. It’s the annual campaign, started in 2013 in the UK, that challenges moderate drinkers to give up alcohol for the thirty-one days of January. Why would you do that? Because studies have shown that there are positive physiological effects to be gained from taking part in Dry January.

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Tap into the Power of Positive Thinking

By: Kathy Hubbard. Whatever you’re celebrating today, I hope it makes you happy. That’s because people who are happy typically have a positive, optimistic outlook on life. And tapping into the power of positive thinking can make you healthier and live longer.

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It’s Not a Feat to Take Care of Your Feet

By: Kathy Hubbard. Your left foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles. Double that to include your right one. And what we do to the two of them is nothing short of pure abuse. We cram them into all styles of shoes. We walk around 75,000 miles on them before we’re fifty. We stand on them for long periods of time and they take us running, pedaling, skiing, and dancing while bearing our total weight throughout it all.

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